Tuesday, 26 June 2007


Thought Mondays rehearsal went quite well, despite myself and john arriving a little late ! Oops ! Apologies ! We all seemd to have got a good grip of the drunken Sailor now it really sounds like it's coming together.

I think we need a sectional rehearsal for the soloists in Horrortorio though. My sight reading isn't good enough any more ! *NERVOUS GRIN*


  1. And Joe was on good form, especially considering he's got A level exams this week. Good luck, Joe!

  2. Looks as if you won't be needing that practice before Saturday after all, Abi. Let's just make sure we fit one in before Hallowe'en if we're going to perform it then.

  3. What about audio samples we can download?

  4. Steady on, Dave - we're only just getting used to this blog lark! Audio samples will have to go on the 'things to look into' list.


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